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Re: a little history lesson

Poster: Brenna <sunnie@exis.net>

My dear baron,

The only reason you escape the wrath of your faithful exchequer here is that my
lord herald has not envoked said tax inthis venue to my knowledge.  I'll get you
next moot.  For now, that will be a cyber-quarter, please.

Brenna of Lyonsbane

JebRaitt1@aol.com wrote:

> Poster: JebRaitt1@aol.com
> In a message dated 98-06-10 01:01:57 EDT, achbar@bellsouth.net writes:
> << You people are fletching at his every statement.
>  He was trying to make us laugh and many are bolting off after him. >>
> WHAT?  You mean he's been stringing us along?  I've a mind to nock his block
> off!
> ~Donal  (who is glad the pun tax doesn't apply on the Net)
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