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New Fencing Book

Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>

I haven't seen it but this is in the current Barnes and Noble

SECRETS OF THE SWORD, by Baron Cesar de Bazancourt.

Description: Is fencing an art form or an excercise in self defense?
Fencing afficianados will enjoy this series of dueling conversations 
between sophisticated French gentlemen, a classicist vs. a realist. 
An informative book on the French style of fencing. B&W Illustrations.
(LPC) 246pp. PB  Catalog item # B171930 published at $19.95 
Catalog price is $15.96.   Catalog Key J34R 6000  1-800-843-2663
1 Pond Rd. Rockleigh, NJ 07647.

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