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Re: method for Royalty Selection

Poster: Christopher Mark Faulcon <mfaulcon@or.atinc.com>

Gene Bonar wrote:

> The WHY is obvious to most of the SCA.  In Atlantia there are about 20-25
> people out of thousands that have the ability to win crown.  Yet there are
> a great many people I know that would great royalty.  These people will
> never be king or queen because they can't stand toe to toe with the likes
> of Cuan or Logan.  This is not only unfair but it has no historical basis.
> This is not how monarchs were chosen in period.
> Eógan mac Ailpein,    archer and baronial herald

Actually, its attitudes like this that ensure that only those 25 (and I'd put
it closer to 8) will be the only ones who ever win. The system we currently
use is somewhat unwieldy, at times seems arbitrary, and it may not be the best
option there is. But the one thing it is is fair.

There are no dice in crown. There are no teams. There is no shot clock, there
is no icing, and there shouldn't be a designated hitter. Each time crown is
fought, it comes down to the skill and determination of each individual who
enters. There is no luck. There is no chance. Crown is the only truely fair
thing we do.

Do you think Anton won the first crown he ever entered? The second. He didn't.
Neither did Logan, or a lot of other folks who are dukes now. They got to be
as good as they are be not accepting the idea that the dukes of their day,
Olaf, Michael, Baoudoin, Richard, were unbeatable.


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