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Re: method for Royalty Selection

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <longshipco@hotmail.com>

I would LOVE for the BoD to change Corpora and let individual Kingdoms 
have some flexibility in the method of choosing the Monarch.  Perhaps 
rotating methods could be tried.

The e-mail address for the BoD, if I recall correctly, is Board@sca.org

  - Anarra

>If the current system has problems, and I think it does, then >lobbying 
the BoD to change corpora on this matter is not necessarily >a bad 
thing. Whether or not it would be a wasted effort is, to me, >moot. If 
you don't try, you'll never know what you could have >accomplished. :-)  
Perhaps lobbying the BoD to make a principality a >test case would be 
useful in determining the feasibility of such a >change.

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