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The Henrietta of Rutland Pilgrimage Celebration

Poster: Rutlands@aol.com

To the good gentles of Atlantia, greetings from Daniel and James of Rutland!

It is with heavy but proud hearts that we inform the populace that our beloved
lady, Henrietta of Rutland, a member of the Society and known in the Society
by her persona as a peregrine and, we are confident, well on her way to the
exalted rank of Member of the Order of the Pelican, has shed her finery, to
wit, her tail feathers and assorted other plumage, and apparently gone off on
pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  She left only one last, beautiful egg in
remembrance of her three years on our lands.  If you should meet her along the
path of her pilgrimage, we beg you tell her that we miss her and look forward
to her return, and warn her of the many dangers facing a chicken  in the rough
lands twixt merry Rutland and the Holy Land.  If we have misinterpreted her
disappearance, and you find instead a very corpulent fox (or hawk), try him
fast and hang him from the tallest tree over the most rank and vile pit, if he
proves guilty.  Wait! No! Instead, follow in the gentle ways of fair
Henrietta.  Do not kill him.  Just let him share for the rest of his days her
favored diet of cracked corn, worms and insects.  Yum.

Yours in the dream,

Daniel and James of Rutland

P.S.	On a related note, the Henrietta of Rutland Pilgrimage Celebration will
take place SUNDAY, Oct. 18th,  at our home in Knoxville, Maryland.  This is
not an SCA event, just an open-invitation private party.  As always, all who
know us are welcome. We learned a few days ago that Kingdom Crusade will also
take place that weekend, but we scheduled this months ago and it is too late
to cancel.  We do apologize to those who may be inconvenienced.  Please email
us for details on the party.  And please pass on the word to those not on this

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