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Re: Anyone who went to Lillies War

Poster: Beiskaldi@aol.com

Greetings to those at Cheapside!  Recently found a great link regarding all
kinds of tick diseases, but unfortunately cant currently find it.  However,
this has a listing of a number of the more current ones going around, symptoms
& which ticks carry them.  This is mostly for those of you who are like me &
are usually just lazy enough to not bother looking them up, because they will
be BAD this year.


In Service,
Lady Thyra (who found a deer tick right after Emerald Joust & lives in the
middle of Lyme Disease territory)

In a message dated 98-06-29 19:10:07 EDT, you write:
>  Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>
>  Don't know how many Atlantians went to Lillies, but for those who
>  did:
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