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Marshal's announcement for August Acorn

Poster: "Jeffrey C. Sussman" <steelrat@erols.com>

Greetings Unto Lord Rabah!, What follows is my announcement for the August

Greetings and Felicitations unto Atlantia from the Earl Marshal!

It's time to start thinking about the Earl Marshal's office.  I'm a little
more than half way through the current term.  I have no expectations of
staying on for another term.  I would like to turn over the office to the
new Earl Marshal at 12th night or so.  Anyone who would like to be Earl
Marshal and is qualified to do so is invited to send me your marshal's
resume before the end of August.  Working with their Majesties and their
Highnesses, I will make a recommendation to the SCA marshal in September and
pass along his decision at that time.

There may be an increase in interest in having equestrian activities at
Atlantian events.  If anyone is interested in being the Atlantian
coordinator for SCA equestrian information, please contact me.  If there is
significant interest and activity we’ll set up a deputy earl marshal for
equestrian activities office down the road.

The following event reports have not been submitted:
4/4/98	Baronial Birthday	Tir-y-don
4/11/98	Baronial Birthday	Nottinghill Coill
4/18/98	Spring Revel	Caer Gelin
5/9/98	A Celtic Thing	Dun Carraig
5/16/98	Garb Wars IX	Bright Hills
5/16/98	Boat Wars	Buckston-on-Eno
5/16/98	Feast of the Thirty	Falcon Cree
5/17/98	Northern Regional War Practice	Bright Hills
5/24/98	Emerald Joust	Caer Mear
6/6/98	Pre-Pennsic War Academy	Marinus
6/13/98	Baronial Hunt IV	Spiaggia Levantina/B. Hills

Proposed further clarification of inspection requirements:

33. G.Before each bout, the head marshal must ask the combatants if they
have had their armor inspected and the weapons that they are currently using
inspected.  If either weapons or armor have not been inspected the marshal
must complete the inspections before starting the bout.

       H.	Before each bout, the head marshal should check the weapons being
used.  At the beginning of the day this should be a complete inspection.
Later bouts will require only a cursory check.

Proposed clarifications and modifications for authorizations for visitors
and new Atlantians:

40. General:
B. Visitors to Atlantia may participate at Atlantian events if they go over
the Atlantian rules with an Atlantian marshal before they compete.

C. Fighters who move into Atlantia, must complete an Atlantian authorization
before they participate in combat in Atlantia.

41.To authorize in Atlantia a fighter must meet the following requirements.
F. Combatants must be a resident of Atlantia.

Clarification on thrusts to the head that are not to the face:
4. E. Thrusts to the head, outside of the face, are not telling blows and
need not be counted.

Yours in Service to Atlantia

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