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off-topic spam question

Poster: Linda Pancrazio <lindap@ipass.net>


Does anyone know anything about this "proposed federal legislation" - this
came in a spam - blech...

>This message is being sent to you in compliance with the purposed
>Federal legislation (S.1618 - SECTION 301). (Please see the additional 
>information at the bottom of this message)

<snip lengthy spam part> - btw it's about how easy it is to collect email
addresses and send tons of spam yourself with their new software!

this is all the "additional information" they had to offer... 

>We are currently consolidating our many mailing lists and need
>to update our databases. Our records indicate that you may have
>inquired in the past. If this is not the case, please reply
>with "REMOVE" in the subject field to never receive email offers
>from this vendor.

I really really hate spam, the beginning of this one looks like they're
trying to do something to make it legal...

perplexed and irritated,
Linda P.
(Genevieve hardly ever gets spammed.)

Linda Pancrazio     | SCA: Lady Genevieve d'Evreux
Selma NC, USA       |      Elvegast, Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
lindap@ipass.net    |      http://www.ipass.net/~lindap

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