The Merry Rose Archive (by thread)
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Last update: Tue Aug 11 20:25:02 98
489 messages
Messages listed in order by thread. Listing format is the following:
- Subject,
(Date posted).
Followup messages are indented.
- How do i wash Cotton fabric and Floss. . .,
Virginia Driscoll (06/30/98)
- Re: Question on Name Origin,
Robert J Welenc (06/30/98)
- RE: The Virtues of Women. (7 virtues),
Erica Stark (06/30/98)
- Re: The Virtues of Women.,
S. M. Thorson (07/01/98)
- Re: 7 Virtues of Women,
Greg Prevost (07/01/98)
- Fwd: Re: The Virtues of Women.,
EoganOg (07/01/98)
- where I am,
Ruth_Cardiff (07/01/98)
duane moore (07/01/98)
- Something new,
Greg Prevost (07/01/98)
- Kingdom A&S Camping and Hotel Information,
Neal J. Atlow (07/02/98)
- 4th of July Archery shoot and workshop,
Steve Riley (07/02/98)
- Falcone's email,
Jerome Hinson (07/02/98)
- 2 more addresses,
Jerome Hinson (07/02/98)
- RE: Byram's e-mail,
Jerome Hinson (07/02/98)
- I got Niall's address,
Jerome Hinson (07/02/98)
- Seeking Kathryn Rous,
Erik Dutton (07/02/98)
- OT: Fw: Velvet...a passion!,
Louise Sugar (07/03/98)
- Fwd: [TY] Contact Needed richmond Va,
Mariah Gaven de Andovere (07/04/98)
- Pennsic fabirc lady`,
sabella (07/04/98)
- on-line herbal illustrations (16th c) (fwd),
S. M. Thorson (07/05/98)
- thank yous for demo,
The Davidsons (07/05/98)
- More cool stuff at the Met,
Bertjazz (07/05/98)
- questions about women in the middle ages,
Becky McEllistrem (07/06/98)
- Where is the Kingdom Arts Festival?,
Steve Schell (07/06/98)
- What is the lodge?,
MOSA Prime (07/06/98)
- Bards at Kingdom Arts Festival,
Nancy Davis (07/06/98)
- String Thing this weekend after Kingdom A&S!,
Philip S. Dean (Scott) (07/06/98)
- seeking Bambi,
Franca Gorraz (07/06/98)
- Going to Kingdom Arts?,
LadyDaria (07/06/98)
- Atlantia OP Updated,
Jay R. Shaner (07/06/98)
lordkheldar (07/06/98)
- Naomi McAlpien,
Gina (07/07/98)
- Anvilfire and Wareham Forge,
rmhowe (07/07/98)
- RE: TONIGHT: Storvik/Roxbury Mill A&S night,
Peters, Rise J. (07/07/98)
- looking for Achbar,
Bobbe Herman (07/07/98)
- Demo in Danville,
Malone, N. (07/07/98)
- Fwd: Garb portraits for as little as $25.00,
SHADOSPON (07/08/98)
- Leather work,
Bonnie a Hindle (07/08/98)
- trouble w/ addreses,
Bonnie a Hindle (07/08/98)
- No Subject,
Michael Jeffrey Looney (07/08/98)
- Period Tourney Help,
Garrett, William (07/08/98)
- Picnic This Sunday!,
Denise McMahon (07/08/98)
- Repost: Kingdom A&S Camping and Hotel Information,
Neal J. Atlow (07/08/98)
- OP by Mail,
Jay R. Shaner (07/08/98)
- Caer Mear Baronial Birthday,
Peter H. Clarke (07/09/98)
- This is a test,
Gorm of Berra (07/09/98)
- info request,
Kendra Rosenberg (07/09/98)
- Fwd: [YI]: Schedule of (children's) Events, at long last.,
Nancy Davis (07/09/98)
- Atlantian Royal Puy at Pennsic,
Duane Moore (07/09/98)
Duane Moore (07/09/98)
- Tacticial Bardic Strike Night at Pennsic,
Duane Moore (07/09/98)
- In-coming KMoAS,
JenThies (07/09/98)
- fabric,
Katy Surkin (07/10/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- fabric,
Donna Mathews (07/16/98)
- discontinued fabric,
Katy Surkin (07/10/98)
- Pennsic help Volunteers,
Tracie Whitfield (07/10/98)
- Pennsic Vocal Arts Exhibition,
Efenwealt Wyslte (07/10/98)
- Trades and Translations,
Phillip Jones (07/10/98)
- off-topic spam question,
Linda Pancrazio (07/12/98)
- Indigo Day,
Betty & David Eyer (07/12/98)
- Zinc dust?,
Betty & David Eyer (07/12/98)
- History Programs tonite:,
rmhowe (07/12/98)
- Re: [TY] Medieval History Books,
sabella (07/12/98)
- Arts and Sciences Festival,
SNSpies (07/12/98)
- Phoenix Eye Lost & Found,
Joyce A. Baldwin (07/12/98)
- Academy of the Rapier,
lordkheldar (07/12/98)
- local rapier practice,
Andrea Gideon (07/13/98)
- Summer cleaning after the move,
Josh (07/13/98)
- Pennsic camp locations,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (07/13/98)
- [Fwd: *WH* Kheldar did good],
coty (07/13/98)
- Kingdom A&S Festival- THANKS!,
Heather Swann (07/13/98)
- Northern Principality Meeting 19 July 1998,
David KUIJT (07/13/98)
- Master Daniel and the Ground-Rottweiler,
Rutlands (07/13/98)
- Master Danier and the Ground...,
DC (07/13/98)
- Kingdom A&S One Year Competition,
Heather Swann (07/14/98)
Izofgold (07/14/98)
- Lost and Found: Kingdom Arts Festival,
Susan M. Lauber (07/14/98)
- KMoAS September Acorn Letter,
JenThies (07/14/98)
- Entrants in the One-Year Competition,
JenThies (07/14/98)
- Pennsic haflas (and the other one too...),
durr al-jabal al-mukhfi (07/14/98)
- Pennsic Panic - the game,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (07/15/98)
- Bardic circle in Buckston-on-Eno,
Nancy Davis (07/15/98)
- Pennsic encampments - update,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (07/15/98)
- would mater terafon write me,
Becky McEllistrem (07/15/98)
- FW: would mater terafon write me,
Becky McEllistrem (07/15/98)
- re: Looking for information,
C.J. Schaffer (07/16/98)
- RE: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
Becky McEllistrem (07/16/98)
Re: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
Gorm of Berra (07/16/98)
RE: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
Becky McEllistrem (07/16/98)
Re: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
JBRMM266 (07/16/98)
Re: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
Hilda Jean Smith-Beattie (07/16/98)
RE: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
Becky McEllistrem (07/16/98)
Re: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
Rowanwald Central (07/16/98)
Re: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
Sharon Henderson (07/17/98)
Re: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (07/17/98)
Re: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
Fun4KathyG (07/18/98)
Re: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
Hggerald (07/18/98)
FW: Pennsic Panic - the Game,
Becky McEllistrem (07/16/98)
Organ Transplants - Period Style,
Izofgold (07/16/98)
Netscape for an SCA Web Page (Help!),
TheUrsula (07/16/98)
Re: atlantia V1 #649,
Maureen Sampson (07/17/98)
re: Pennsic panic game,
Gene Bonar (07/17/98)
historical brian surgery and other grose things...,
Izofgold (07/17/98)
Pennsic activities,
Michael and MJ Houghton (07/17/98)
Battle of the Clans / Arms in Action,
rmhowe (07/17/98)
Modified Directions to Assessment Battles,
Genie Powell (07/17/98)
Re: atlantia V1 #650,
Maureen Sampson (07/17/98)
Pennsic Joys...,
Heather Swann (07/17/98)
Stefan's files for August,
Mark.S Harris (07/17/98)
(no subject),
Malone, N. (07/17/98)
ISO Lady Demetria,
Nancy Davis (07/18/98)
Remaining authorization opportunities before War,
Gorm of Berra (07/19/98)
Re: Remaining authorizat,
Terry Buyers (07/19/98)
organ transplants,
agnes daunce (07/20/98)
lost boots and pattens,
jsrechts (07/20/98)
Speaking of lost items...,
Sarah Pearson (07/20/98)
A Knight at the Races,
Terry Buyers (07/20/98)
Fw: Need to hear from some people...,
MTR/AAHR (07/20/98)
I have space in my car to Pennsic,
John Tangent (07/20/98)
Knight at the Races,
Terry Buyers (07/21/98)
Order of the Sea Stag,
Barbra E Bolt (07/21/98)
Note from Triton,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (07/21/98)
An announcement from Free Trumpet Press West,
Kevin L. Conlin (07/21/98)
Fw: Important Announcement - Posthumous Royal Peerages (fwd),
Louise Sugar (07/21/98)
am I still on?,
Brenna of Lyonsbane (07/22/98)
why do we....?,
Brenna of Lyonsbane (07/22/98)
Pre Pennsic scramble??,
Garrett, William (07/22/98)
is the list dead or is it just me?,
Erika Robbins (07/22/98)
Heraldry questions,
Gina (07/22/98)
RE: Heraldry questions,
jtrigg (07/22/98)
re: why (heraldry questions),
Sandra Toscano (07/22/98)
[Fwd: Asheville Street Festival, Bele Chere],
Burt and Jen (07/22/98)
[Fwd: why do we....?],
Brenna of Lyonsbane (07/22/98)
heraldry rules,
Brenna of Lyonsbane (07/22/98)
Re: heraldry rules,
Craig Levin (07/23/98)
Re: [Fwd: why do we....?,
Terry Buyers (07/23/98)
Toby Cobb (07/23/98)
Ossifers and Geltlepeople,
Terry L. Neill (07/23/98)
Grafin Judith Needs a Ride,
E. T. Smith (07/23/98)
Re: heraldry rules (fwd),
Craig Levin (07/23/98)
other stuff found on the heraldry web page,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (07/23/98)
Shawn Riggin (07/23/98)
Heraldry Stuff,
H. Hall (07/23/98)
For the record,
Gorm of Berra (07/23/98)
Pennsic Ride,
Beth Morris (07/23/98)
Clerk of Signet business,
Becky McEllistrem (07/23/98)
Fwd: [Northshield]: Jafar's Dukedom,
GUNDSPHOTO (07/24/98)
misunderstood jokes was (RE: For the record),
Becky McEllistrem (07/24/98)
Irish and Portugese (was Re: heraldry rules),
Shalandara (07/24/98)
Re: Fwd: [Northshield]: Jafar's Dukedom,
Terry L. Neill (07/24/98)
Re: What, praytell, is a "golf tube" arrow shaft,
Lorenzo (07/24/98)
Heraldic Paperwork Question,
Dave Montuori (07/24/98)
Tracing - was Re: heraldry rules (fwd),
Linda Pancrazio (07/24/98)
Request for Info - This time it's about bleaching tent fabric...,
TheUrsula (07/24/98)
Very new member/Intro/Questions,
Terri Wilson-Hardwick (07/24/98)
Re: Very new member/Intro/Questions,
EoganOg (07/26/98)
Re: .. bleaching tent fabric...another option,
TAWNYKAT (07/25/98)
An attempt at communication,
duane moore (07/25/98)
Re: An attempt at communication,
RowenRhys (07/27/98)
Fwd: Event Flyer: Baronial Investiture at Fall Hunt,
duane moore (07/25/98)
E-mails to the Crown,
Barbra E Bolt (07/26/98)
Medieval Series this week.,
rmhowe (07/26/98)
A New Atlantean!,
Rutlands (07/26/98)
A New Atlantian (P.S.),
Rutlands (07/26/98)
Re: [Northshield]: Jafar's Dukedom,
GUNDSPHOTO (07/26/98)
Release of latest issue of al-musta'rib,
al-musta'rib (07/27/98)
See they DO need us ;D,
Louise Sugar (07/27/98)
promissories was(RE: Tracing - was Re: heraldry rules (fwd)),
Becky McEllistrem (07/27/98)
Heraldry Fibs (was Re: heraldry rules),
Virginia Driscoll (07/27/98)
Archery question,
Gina (07/27/98)
Re: Principality,
Gene Bonar (07/27/98)
Re: An attempt at communication CORECTION,
LWright740 (07/27/98)
Forgive my naivete,
William T. Fleming (07/27/98)
Alan's responce,
Gene Bonar (07/27/98)
Re: Low Principality Responses,
RowenRhys (07/27/98)
CAMBOK at Pennsic!,
Evan Page (07/28/98)
Fw: Summary of July Internal LoAR,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (07/28/98)
150 Mile rule was "Northern Principality",
Kofryna (07/28/98)
Re: Gesso,
William T. Fleming (07/28/98)
Principality why do you want to leave,
Gene Bonar (07/28/98)
Re: Principality why do you want to leave,
Corun MacAnndra (07/28/98)
Re: Principality why do you want to leave,
Julien de Montfort (07/28/98)
Principality--we don't want to leave,
Terry L. Neill (07/28/98)
akratts (07/28/98)
Medeival kite flying in western europe,
Garrett, William (07/28/98)
Rutlands (07/28/98)
re: 150-mile rule,
S. M. Thorson (07/28/98)
Woman want Mongol?,
rmhowe (07/28/98)
Merry Rose at Pennsic,
Brett W. McCoy (07/28/98)
MoAS List,
JenThies (07/28/98)
Wool Stuff,
Betty & David Eyer (07/28/98)
One Last Fighter Practice Before Pennsic,
John H Bova (07/28/98)
please ignore TEST,
Logan & Arielle (07/28/98)
"Making a Medieval Single Pole Pavilion",
Tim and Carole (07/28/98)
wedding revelry,
Brenna (07/28/98)
A Non-P Based Question,
RowenRhys (07/28/98)
Fw: July College of Arms ACCEPTANCES,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (07/29/98)
Fw: July College of Arms RETURN,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (07/29/98)
Sad news,
Beth Morris (07/29/98)
Pennsic was Re: Now:Anything but the P...,
Virginia Driscoll (07/29/98)
Sad News - Passed On by request,
rmhowe (07/29/98)
Posting to both lists,
Duane Moore (07/29/98)
looking for...,
Bobbe Herman (07/29/98)
Latin Translation Needed!,
Greg Glewwe (07/29/98)
did it post?,
Brenna (07/30/98)
Viking Thyng,
Dave Montuori (07/30/98)
A favor to ask...,
Dave Montuori (07/30/98)
Cooper's Lake address?,
Nancy Davis (07/30/98)
ok so why can't I get resubscribed?,
Logan & Arielle (07/30/98)
test run,
Brenna of Lyonsbane (07/30/98)
Badger Party at Pennsic,
Peters, Rise J. (07/30/98)
Fw: virus allert,
John H Bova (07/30/98)
C.J. Schaffer (07/30/98)
Highland Games and Celtic Festival Demo,
Betty & David Eyer (07/30/98)
Is this thing on?,
JenThies (07/30/98)
Sir Axel's Parents (FWD),
rmhowe (07/30/98)
APPROVE atlantia,
majordomo (07/31/98)
Hey, is this thing on?,
Heather Swann (07/31/98)
BOUNCE Admin request,
owner-atlantia (07/31/98)
Re: Woman want Mongol? (fwd),
Craig Levin (07/31/98)
Processing Error,
MAILER-DAEMON (07/31/98)
[Fwd: [TY] Fwd: Sewing Funny],
sabella (07/31/98)
re: single pole pavilion,
Genie Powell (07/31/98)
Re: Heraldry Fibs (was Re: heraldry rules) (fwd),
Craig Levin (07/31/98)
wedding announcement,
Brenna (07/31/98)
Fwd: A Non-P Based Question,
RowenRhys (07/31/98)

The Merry Rose Archive