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Re: why do we....?

Poster: "C.J. Schaffer" <cjschaff@ix.netcom.com>

Alanna wrote:
Even now in this age of instant communication, foreign names don't come
easily to a lot of folks.  My daughter Tabitha was born in Italy.  When we
told the nurse-midwife her name for the birth
certificate, they repeated it back "Tah-bee-tah?" with the sort of puzzled
look that that means "What kind of a name is *that*?"  Our Italian landlady
transmogrified all of our weird American first names into Italian. (She gave
up completely on the Polish surname...)


I can attest to this.  I work in a *very* homogenized workplace with many
different nationalities represented.  Almost every Asian, Indian, and Arabic
person in the place has Americanized their name.  Krishna goes by Kris.  De
goes by Dave.  Etc.


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