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Re: single pole pavilion

Poster: "Jason & Shannon Smith" <srgiles@erols.com>

Isabel the Tentbuilder writes:

>Good point Master Dafydd.
>I will soon find out if I will be making another pavilion out of
>I was very limited by money for canvas and bought Terafan's untreated
>The sun-forger does make a big difference.  I basically told myself I'm
>willing to start over if this mildews.  Ask me all this again after

That's true!  Our pavilion is only a year old and has some mildew,
especially under the eaves where it takes longer to dry.  It is difficult to
clean without damaging the fabric or the grass.  I am planning to sew
another one.  The new one will be treated with waterproofing as soon as it's
finished.  I am still using Terafan's canvas because I think it is quality
stuff for a good price, but it does need help in the mildew department.

Sorcha de Glys

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