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Poster: jsrechts@imap.unc.edu

Eogan writes,  "Furthermore, we in the South feel that we have been
totally cut out of the process."
Really?  I live in the South and I don't feel cut out at all.  Folks who
are on the Steering Committee have asked for opinions from
all over the kingdom.  In fact, I know a number of folks who live in
Windmasters and think the Principality is a good idea.
I don't understand why this is constantly turned into an "us vs. them"
mentality with the fear that Atlantia will fizzle and dissolve.  It's
not as though TNNP will be formed, then will immediately go kingdom to
"throw off the shackles of
Atlantia" and finally institute tolls and road blocks at the border at
I-95. Quite frankly, I have yet to hear a compelling reason why TNNP
shoudn't happen,
especially with such a positive response from the poll.  Now, actively
fighting a movement for change will start the civil wars that the
anti-principality people fear so much.

Actually, 42% return on polling is an EXCELLENT repsonse.  It's better
than the past two (at least) US Presidential Elections.
Late 20th Century Americans are very bad about voting in local, state,
and national elections. Do you expect the SCA to be much different?


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