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Picnic This Sunday!

Poster: Denise McMahon <baroness@stierbach.org>

Sunday, July 12th
Briar Patch Park, Sterling, VA

Beginning at 1pm...

Come see the new red and white flags for Pennsic!
We'll be having all the usuals like fighting and
maybe rapier- plus prehaps some A&S, some pointers 
for Pennsic, Target and Combat Archery and Stierbach's
own peculiar brand of Croquet!

Bring your picnic baskets, banners and medieval summer finery
and join us!

Directions to Briar Patch Park 

Sterling Blvd and E. Frederick Ave., Sterling, VA. 

>From Manassas and I-66: Take Route 28 North. Turn right at the third light
after Dulles Airport. This road is Route 846, Sterling Blvd. Once on it, go
through four lights, turn right at the fifth (Frederick). Immediately turn left
into the parking lot for the park. 

>From Leesburg: Take Route 7 East to the fifth light after Route 28. This is
the other end of Sterling Blvd. Turn right onto it, then left at the first light
onto Frederick and left into the parking lot. 

>From the Beltway: Take exit 10-B (Route 7) or avoid Tysons by taking the
Dulles Toll Road exit (Route 267), paying $0.50, and getting off at Route 7.
Go west on 7 about 10 miles: down and up one big hill, past Route 193,
down another hill, past Rt 228, and back up the hill to the 2nd light. This is
Sterling Blvd. Turn left onto it, then left at the first light onto Frederick and
left into the parking lot.
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