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Re: Principality why do you want to leave
Poster: Christopher M Faulcon <mfaulcon@or.atinc.com>
Corun -
Let's be careful in how we defend ourselves on this forum, please.
However well- or ill- informed this man's opinion may be, there is no
need to brow beat the man publicly. Indeed, you might be well served by
listening to what he has to say. While it is true that there are no hard
numbers supporting his view, the mere fact that he has aired his opinion
on this forum lends credence to the idea that there is substantive
opposition to TNNP/TNNK. Indeed, I beleive it would be the wisdom of
Hubris to think that the opinions this man has raised are not shared by
a significant portion of the southern population of Atlantia; as has
been stated previously, the polling was not sent to the kingdom at
large, no-one truely knows how deep opposition may run, or what the true
fears and concerns of the central and southern part of the kingdom may
Considered objectively, I think it not unreasonable for someone to be
concerned about the formation of a pricipality that will comprise more
than half the population of the kingdom as a whole. Further, it is true
that the formation of a principality is the first step in forming a
kingdom, a concern that so far has not been completely addressed by the
steering commitee. If it is their intention to seek kingdom status, have
they publicly stated this? If not, will there be a provision in the
principality laws discouraging it. Or taking the middle road, do they
see a northern principality going kingdom in 10 years? Such an issue is
central to the concerns of all Atlantians, and I don't think the
steering committee can wait until a principality is formed before
stating its long range objectives.
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