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Re: [Fwd: why do we....?]

Poster: "Beverly Robinson-Curry" <corvus2@worldnet.att.net>

> Or maybe the problem is that I don't really understand the purpose of a
> name...can anyone explain what the purpose is for a holding name, and
maybe I
> will understand why it was not done in my case.

Holding names are formed when a name that cannot pass (for whatever reason)
is sent to Laurel with a registerable piece of armory.  The holding name
(which is generally formed by taking the modern first name of the person
and combining it with their local group name, e.g. Susan of Caer Mear), is
used to go ahead and register that piece of armory instead of sending it
back.  Armory cannot be registered without a name (and we catalog by SCA
name).  The holding name is intended to be a temporary solution.

Rhiannon, Triton

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