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Re: Pennsic activities

Poster: Michael and MJ Houghton <herveus@access.digex.net>


I wrote...
> Poster: Michael and MJ Houghton <herveus@access.digex.net>
> Howdy!
> The Atlantian College of Heralds will be holding an Heraldic Walking
> Tour of Pennsic on Thursday at 10:00 am. The tour will begin at Atlantian
> Royal; meet at the front gate. The tour should take about an hour.
> Later, that day, from 1pm to 5pm, in the big tent at Atlantian Royal,
> you will find the Heraldic Consulting Table where we will take Atlantian
> submissions. 
> If you plan to take advantage of the consulting table, feel free to 
> visit the main heraldic consultation table for advice. We (the heralds
> working the consult table) will be offended if you bring the results of
*dope slap* Make that _will NOT be_...yes, the process Gorm outlined is
quite reasonable...

> that consultation with you; it will probably make things go more smoothly.
> We would like to thank the Crown of Atlantia for their hospitality and
> support in these endeavors.
yours in typoness...


Michael and MJ Houghton   | Herveus d'Ormonde and Megan O'Donnelly
herveus@access.digex.net  | White Wolf and the Phoenix
Bowie, MD, USA            | Tablet and Inkle bands, and other stuff
                          | http://www.access.digex.net/~herveus/
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