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Atlantian Royal Puy at Pennsic

Poster: Duane Moore <poetamilitarus@yahoo.com>

Good Gentles,

Greetings from Bryce de Byram, Her Highnesses' Jongleur!
Find here attached a annoucement about the Kingdom Bardic Circle to be
held at the War...
Laus prae Lucro, 

Atlantian Royal Puy
(or Bryce de Byram's 4th annual Bardic Bonanza!!!)

Their Dread Majesties Micheal & Seonaid, at the invitation of His
Highness, invite all bards, skalds, troubadours, trouveres,
minnesangers, and minstrels to a night of song,story (SHORT! ;-)) and
poem on Thursday, the 13th, A.S. XXXIII at the Great Pennsic War.
Our circle shall open at 8:30 pm in Atlantian Royal Encampment in the
Mooselodge's Main Pavillon & Lodge.

This activity is to be a part of Her Majesty's Tea Party.

For further information please Contact THL Bryce de Byram:
poetamilitarus@yahoo.com , or at the War, in Atlantian Royal, after
Saturday the 8th.  

Duane Moore (THL Bryce de Byram) 
Susan Juroff (Lady Susanna Grey) share this account.  
Please send accordingly.
Thank you.
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

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