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Badger Party at Pennsic

Poster: "Peters, Rise J." <PetersR@spiegelmcd.com>

Once again, House Drunken Badger invites all of you and all of your friends
to our annual party at Pennsic.

This year's Drunken Badger party will be held on Friday, August 14th,
starting at 8:30, at our camp near the intersection of Hill Road and Good
Intentions (the same site we've had for the last seven Wars).  This year,
we'll be running the party as a tavern, The Lusty Wench & Lucky Knave, and
the theme (to encourage both your spirits and your donations) is "Tip the

The party will feature lusty wenches, dancing and drumming (dancers and
drummers welcome), some singing, lusty wenches, some more drumming, lucky
knaves (we hope) and, as always, Badger Brew.  We will have a corner
available in which to stack those who eat the fruit and cannot make it out
of camp.  We will also have nonalcoholic brew available for designated
walkers and for those who don't wish to risk their fighting skills before
Saturday's battles.

We hope to see all of you there!

In service,

Caitlin the Wilful, Lady Wench

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