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Re: Very new member/Intro/Questions

Poster: Gene Bonar <gbonar@auspex.com>


Terry my dear have you come to the right place!  I am Eogan mac Ailpein,
the Windmasters' Hill pursuivant (pursuivant is a herald, herald is the
person that helps people develop their name and armorial device).  I'm glad
you asked these questions.  I will answer in public to let others now your
questions are being answered and just in case there are some other new
people who might want to hear the answers.

>I am very, vey new to the SCA (have attended 2 meetings & a couple of
>events) and have a couple of questions. First, let me introduce myself.
My >name is Terri Wilson-Hardwick and I live in Stem, NC, near Durham.  I
have >been in computer support almost as long as there have been computers,
and >am currently working for Nortel as a UNIX system administrator.

I too am a eunuch except I'm doing second and third level technical support

>For over twenty years my main hobby has been dog training, and for the
last 10 >years it has been focused on sheep

There Luisa O'Reilly, who is a certified dog trainer.
flamingbolt@mindspring.com  She has 2 Newfoundlands.  There is a woman is
the south part of the Barony that courses Greyhounds in the SCA and if I'm
not mistaken she is or was the official dog person for the kingdom. I have
to look her stuff up for you.

>1) I am starting to try to develop a persona and an SCA name.
>Considering that I already have sheep and sheepdogs and can trace my
>geneology back to a Scottish immigrant that came over in about 1700, I
>think I should look into a Scottish persona.... (snip) ...Is there anyone
in Atlantia that has background
>information on the Northeast section of Scotland
>that would be willing to share information with me?  I know the location
>I want to focus
>on, but can't determine what time period I should be looking at.

OK, there are a ton and a half of scottish and irish personas running
around in Windmasters' Hill.  I think you will find that there will be an
overwhelming collection of data.

The way that you are starting to develop your persona is a very common way.
 It is the way that I developed mine, so it must be right :-) :-).  

I think the next step would be for you to start talking to your local
heralds.  In Buckston-on-Eno (Durham) you have to heralds.  Acturius
Aleator (herald) acturus@pobox.com and Baird mac Riordan (deputy herald)
baird@pipeline.com are in Buckston and would be glad to help you.  I'm the
Baronial herald and I can help too.

>2)  I am very interested in getting involved with SCA Arts that involve
>sheep.  I am interested in both spinning and dyeing.  (snip)

Well the local Arts & Science person can help you find the literally scores
of people involved in all things woolen.  I'm not sure whether it's Ysolt
at nancyad@mindspring.com or Bonne at oftraquair@hotmail.com .  Really
there are lots of sheep people in Windmasters' Hill.  Furthermore, the
baronial A&S person is Arawynn of Ravenhall at arawynn@ipass.net .

If I can help you with anything don't hesitate to write at the address below.

Eógan mac Ailpein,    archer and Windmasters' Hill pursuivant
Elvegast, Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
mka Gene Bonar  919.772.1112  gbonar@auspex.com
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