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In-coming KMoAS

Incoming!  Everybody duck!  (sorry couldn't resist)

Greetings unto the Patrons of the Merry Rose from Baroness Genevieve d'Aquitiane, successor to Mistress Celynen as Kingdom Minister of the Arts and Sciences.

    I would like to thank Their Majesties, Their Highnesses, and Mistress Celynen for this new opportunity to serve this Kingdom, that I love so well.  I truly look forward to my term in office.  If anyone has any ideas, or problems that I can help with, please do not hesitate to ask me.  I am here to serve my fellow Atlantians.  I would ask that any seneschals who are on this list, whose A&S officers are not, to please pass the word along.  I will attempt to contact the local A&S officers after I get settled in office, and receive the files and contact info from Mistress Celynen.
    I will officially be instated this weekend at the Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival hosted in the great Canton of Kapellenberg, in the Barony of Windmasters' Hill.  I would like a round of Vivats! for Mistress Celynen for the wonderful job she did during her term in this office.  Among the many things she did, Celynen revised the MoAS Handbook with the help of her deputies.  The Web page spun by Lady Karen Larsdatter has also flourished under Celynen's tutelage.  I would recommend that all check it out (moas.atlantia.sca.org/home.htm ), especially the  Links  page.  I wish Mistress Celynen the best in all of her travels and new endeavors.  I hope that she comes back to our fair lands after the call of the west lands wears off.  Our Kingdom is losing a great asset when she departs to warmer seas.

In Service,