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RE: The Virtues of Women. (7 virtues)

Poster: Mike Dullaghan <michael.f.dullaghan@adn.alcatel.com>

On 30-Jun-98 Erica Stark wrote:
>Mike Dullaghan <michael.f.dullaghan@adn.alcatel.com>wrote:
>>Seven Deadly Sins (The).
>>   Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Avarice, and Sloth.
>As I understand it, it's not pride that is considered a sin, but 
>glorious, vain, Vainglory.

Well... I didn't assign the names, I just copied the list. Keep  in
mind that:
   1) It's not a definition, it's a mnemonic. It's supposed to help
      you remember the specific coditions for the specific sins using
      simple (and possibly simplistic) labels.
   2) Most of the labels are not the only ones in use. I have seen
      versions of the list with:
         Wrath    =  Anger
         Envy     =  Covetousness
         Avarice  =  Greed
         Sloth    =  Laziness

Michael the Eclectic, House Falconguard, Barony of Ponte Alto, Atlantia.
Vert, on an inverted chevron or, a reremouse(bat) displayed sable.

Armed man = citizen.  Unarmed man = subject.

Of course these are MY opinions! Whattya think, my EMPLOYER
could've thought this stuff up?
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