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- To: jonesj@infoave.net
- Subject: Re: The Virtues of Women.
- From: EoganOg@aol.com
- Date: Tue, 30 Jun 1998 18:28:21 EDT
Look for a good translation of "The Art of Courtly Love" by Andreas Capellanus. I have two copies, both translated by John Jay Parry, and put out by Columbia UP. His seems to be a pretty standard translation. This 12th century French work was used as the basis of Courtly Romance literature for centuries, and has a lot to do with the romantic ideals of virtuous women and men. Of course, the best source I would reccomend is Chaucer's "Legend of Good Women." This book tells the stories of many women in history and legend that supposedly led virtous lives (hence the name of the book--"Legend" was used in teh 14th century mainly to denote the Lives of Saints). These stories were meant to extoll the virtues of the women they were about and serve as literary examples of the epitome of good women. I hope these sources help. Aye, Eogan
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