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Re: Northern *Principality*

Poster: Robert J Welenc <rjwelenc@erols.com>

>Forgive my intrusion,
> I understand then, that a "portion" of the move to a -P- is for
>has long been a spiff Kingdom, I've been here to see spiff for 12
years!  What
>is added by dividing our Kingdom?  Increased regionalism? Increased
workload on
>heralds, marhsals, MOLs?

What increased burden do you see on these officers, m'lord?  And how?
 I won't presume to speak for marshals or MOL, but I can see NO
change to the workload of heralds.  Same number of submitters, same
need for field heralding, same need for court.  There would be one
more titled herald added to the hierarchy -- Principality Herald.  If
I, as a baronial herald, have to submit my quarterly reports to this
individual instead of Triton, it adds nothing to my workload.

Lady Alanna Volchevo Lesa
Partan Herald, Barony of Lochmere
Laurel Minion
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