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Re: Northern *Principality*

Poster: "Scott C. Burke" <sburke@exis.net>

> good reasons why having a Principality would be fun; I for one think it
> would be neat/cool/keen/<insert happy adjective of the month> to have
> another set of crowned royalty in Atlantia; both for increased spiff,
> and to reduce the burden on the Crown.

Forgive my intrusion,
 I understand then, that a "portion" of the move to a -P- is for SPIFF?!?!
has long been a spiff Kingdom, I've been here to see spiff for 12 years!  What
is added by dividing our Kingdom?  Increased regionalism? Increased workload on
heralds, marhsals, MOLs?

Having not been a royal, I am not familiar with the overwhelming burdens that
must be lessened.  Is it the Curia, the Kingdom Laws, the budget, or the
traveling to events?  We established a small fund to help defray some of these
costs with traveling, and it is also the occupational risk of *choosing* to
fight in crown, or be a consort.  What burdens need to be reduced, by increasing
the bureacracy?

Returning to lurk...  constructive replies welcome, flames privately.

The Prodigal Squire

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