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Re: What, praytell, is a "golf tube" arrow shaft

Poster: Lorenzo <detoma@erols.com>

fyi, fiberglass shafts with baldar blunts (East's new standard for combat
archery) will also be allowed at Pennsic this year.

- Lorenzo

At 11:34 AM 7/27/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Poster: Gene Bonar <gbonar@auspex.com>
>Golf tube arrows are combat arrows made from golftubes.  Golftubes are
>plastic tubes that are put in golfbags to keep the golf clubs from
>rattling, etc.  The tubes are made by attaching a tennis ball or various
>other things on one end and knocking and taping the other.
>Personal opinion-- Goof tubes are totally safe.  That is the only thing
>they have in there favor.  They are nothing like a arrow.  If they get soft
>from the sun there is no telling were they will go.  They are bulky as
>hell.  Unfortunately, they are use by the Midrealm so that means that any
>battle with them, like Pennsic, you either use goof tubes or don't play.  I
>find plenty of other thing to do at Pennsic so I don't play.--personal
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