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RE: heraldry rules

Poster: "Garrett, William" <WGarrett@sierrahealth.com>


	Hi Everyone!

	Gorm, I have a major problem with one of your comments:

	5.  We rarely, if ever, have the sorts of mass battles and confusion
	that made Heraldry a life or death matter.  In battle, our armies
	marked in another way (red and blue tape, or such) that makes
	identifying someone via their device less critical.

	Maybe so......but is that right, do ya think?  I would LOVE for the
SCA to get to the point where we didn't need duct tape on helms or stickers
to Identify friend or foe.  If you say that the heraldry isn't
important...that we don't need it to function like it did in period, then I
feel that that is a damaging blow to what we do.  Fighting in the SCA
already suffers from too much of a sport mentality......further reduction to
red vs. blue is a bad thing.

	  In my opinion, we should be encouraging people, fighters
especially, to come in heraldic surcoats with devices on shields and
banners. And also to learn to distinguish friend or foe from that.  Now I
realise that due to the nature of SCA battles (the other side doesn't have
enough people...you guys go over to their side) that it would be difficult
but I don't think it's impossible.

	Sorry to rant but you kinda struck a raw nerve.  :o) 


	Thanks for your time!

	William Ringlancer of Locksley
	deputy baronial herald, Bright Hills
	squire to Sir Marco Valerio diBartolomeo
	"Honor before Ambition"
	"Better Living Through Good Heraldry!"

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