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A favor to ask...
Who is the listowner for "atlantia" these days? Please tell them to get
in touch with Anarra Karlsdottir (longshipco@hotmail.com) as it appears
her access to the list is broken. (She can read but not post.)
------------ Forwarded message ------------
>From longshipco@hotmail.com Thu Jul 30 10:42:04 1998
Message-Id: <19980730144152.13232.qmail@hotmail.com>
X-Originating-Ip: []
From: "Terry L. Neill" <longshipco@hotmail.com>
To: david.a.montuori@adn.alcatel.com
Subject: A favor to ask
Content-Type: text/plain
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 07:41:51 PDT
Evan -
I can't for the life of me post to the Atlantia List. I've (finally!)
at least received a reply from Hotmail with a failure notice, which is
more than I was getting.
Can you Please post this to the Atlantia List for me, with the subject
"A Viking Thyng"? and also ask the listowner to e-mail me at
Thanks a lot!!!
- Anarra
[Event announcement snipped]