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Poster: Izofgold@aol.com


If, but for the life of me I could remember why I do this each year, every
August, like clockwork, it’s a disease.   Make the list, sew the clothes,
repair the armor, fix the pavilion, buy the food……the list goes on and on.  

Pensic Wars……what wonderful times we will have.  Year after year we begin the
Pensic Panic…..thinking that "this year it will be easier, I have done this
before"…..but is it ever really easier? I certainly think not…..

New tent, new clothes, new items that "we found we needed this last year….:",
and the new armor!  What about the list from last year?  How did it change
from 25 items to the now 50?????  Will it go up again next year????

All in all, through the Pensic Panic, we begin to slowly get things
together…our thoughts turning to the ever elusive "departure date".  Talks at
fighter practices of War stories and parties, of classes taken and garb seen,
as the time draws nearer.  People who can’t go get the Pensic Pain.  Wherein
they have to sit trough a month of Pensic Panic and watch as their friends
become enraptured with the plague that is about to strike.  They give their
friends lists of things to bring back and reminders of the "must do" lists
from years gone by.  Idly watching the time when their friends leave to go on
the noble quest of war.

Remember your friends back home who watched you begin the Panic.  Send a
simple post card or a buy them a little trinket.  For they were your support
and brains throughout the beginning of your journey, and will most assuredly
be your devoted audience when you return and tell the tales of things done and
seen at Pensic War.

Ldy. Gwyneth MacDonagh,
Barony of the Bright Hills,
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