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An attempt at communication
From: <SCAVard@aol.com>
<a large section of arguement snipped>...
tell us what your "take" on this situation is. In exchange, we would be
willing to explain why the initiative was started and why 4/5ths of
polled said "Yes".
---> I'm sorry Vard but I don't believe your numbers are correct.Folks
keep bantering a 80%ish positive return, but that was only of those
pollings RETURNED. If you look at the big picture, I don't see a mandate
for anything.
I'm going to play devil's advocate, please understand that I am not
attempting to attack ANYONE, but simply offer up opinions that I have
heard. (For those who don't know me, I'm the Seneschal of Caer Mear,
Prince Anton's Squire, and a fairly active member of the SCA whose been
in around eight years, and travels to at least 30 events a year, hanging
out with all sorts of folks, from all areas of the Kingdom.)
I also find it odd that there has not been much discussion about the
fact that this polling was conducted in a almost reckless, haphazard
fashion. With a large section of the area forgotten (That, I realize was
through a clerical error.)and then polled on a later set of labels from
California, this polling was allowed to proceed. A Baronial polling
would never be acceptable under these circumstances. And yet, the TNNP's
was able to continue on. Can you see how this might appear to be rushed?
Other factor's to add to the Kingdom's chagrin:
Thru the formation of this process the Kingdom Seneschal was a member of
the Steering Comittee, and while I deeply respect Mistress Keilyn as a
friend, and in her capisity as Kingdom Seneschal,I know that there were
members of the Kingdom's populas that believed that they could not come
to her to voice their concerns, and recieve a TOTALLY unbiased opinion.
As well, Atlantia's member of the BOD lives in the TNNP area, and while
Her Grace has publicly stated that she would remove herself from any
TNNP vote, surely, could it not be perceived that if Board members
wanted a Atlantian Opinion, that they would go to her? So a large number
of folks could have felt put off from the start.
The North was the same area that made up the majority of the principalty
of Atlantia, (and in fact, still make up, numbers wise, the majority of
the Kingdom.)and that region was instumental to the formation of
Atlantia as a Kingdom. IF (and i said if!) influencecial members of the
north wanted to, they have all the tools. Certainly, there is enough
population in the TNNP to form a kingdom,(it's bigger, as the polling
just drew it, than the rest of the Kingdom, has more peers, etc.)and has
the folks involved to make it happen. ( From a slew of Former Monarchs,
BOD members, SCA Officers, etc.)
I believe(please remember that i'm voicing MY opinion not anyone else's)
that there is a perception in the rest of the Kingdom that the North, as
a whole doesn't travel. And why should they? There is certainly engough
events in the TNNP's area to keep one busy.Why should the South not be
afraid of the North's clamor for MORE regionization? If there ia a
perception that folks are too busy with all the stuff on the northern
calender now, how is that going lession with the fomation of a
Principalty? Perhaps as a "principalty idenity' grows that gap between
the TNNP area and the rest of the Kingdom will only increase. That would
be natural, after all. In my SCA experience I have found that only small
number of folks keep ANY SCA group going. (Witness the low numbers in
Caer Mear, as a example: 127 polled for B&B polling, 57 returned. 130
polled for Principalty polling, 50 returned.) Will all the folks in the
North that ARE active on the kingdom level still have time to
Geographically, the borders of this proposed principality reach deep
into the heart of the Central Region, a area that has had great growth
in the last few years, perhaps more so than any other area in the
Kingdom. Could the move to include Caer Mear look like a "expansionist"
one? And what option does a group like Black Diamond have if the P. were
to go kingdom?
IF the TNNP area starts to turn inward, "protecting a furtile field by
building a hedgerow, against a windswept one", as was stated to me once,
what does the rest of the Kingdom have to build on? I believe that the
largest City, outside of the TNNP area would be Charlotte, N.C.(That's
quite a drive from Marinus, folks!) and I believe that that alone is
quite frighting to folks who live outside the TNNP area and want to see
the SCA grow, and flourish. Isn't Charlotte a Canton, and not a very
large one? (I plead ingnorance, on this one without a Acorn in front of
I can only hope that is posting will start serious discussion between
the various regions, which I feel is neccessary, no matter what happens
to the TNNP.Please feel free to respond/ flame me privately, if you so
Laus prae Lucro,
Bryce de Byram
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