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[Fwd: *WH* Kheldar did good]

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Poster: Gene Bonar <gbonar@auspex.com>

Greetings Windies,

Because I couldn't go to the Kingdom A&S, I asked Kheldar the Fleet to act
as the herald for the Baron and Baroness.  I didn't know whether they would
have a court or not but I asked him to be ready just in case.

Little did either of us know that his first official time at being a court
herald would be as a herald for the King and Queen in a 2 hour court. 

I am told he did a fine job, especially because this would have been a
tough court for someone that had done it before.

Vivat Kheldar!

Eógan mac Ailpein,    archer and baronial herald
Elvegast, Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia
mka Gene Bonar  919.772.1112  gbonar@auspex.com

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