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Ossifers and Geltlepeople

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <longshipco@hotmail.com>


Yes, I know this is early.  But to insert it into all your fevered 
brains before they get MORE fevered at Pennsic, and to give you all time 
to mull appropriately, I thought I'd mention it.

How will we choose our first slate of officers?

My recommendation:

Get the officers of the groups in Stilhaven together as the nominating 
committee for their type of office.  Heralds for the Herald.  
Seneschales for the Seneschal.  Etc.

Each nominating committee publishes requests for applications in the 
newsletter, the Acorn and online.  All interested candidates submit 
proposals to the committee.  The committee wades through the proposals, 
in conjunction with the corrosponding Kingdom officer, and makes 
recommendations to the Kingdom officer.

I don't know if the King and Queen would have to say yes.  I think that 
would be so before there is a Prince and Princess but don't know if it 
continues to be so after there is a Prince and Princess.  

I am assuming, of course, that we should have the slate of officers in 
place *before* the first Coronet (not cornet, Gorm) tourney, since it is 
the incipient officers that would be responsible for running that event.

See, I TOLD you this was a bit premature.

   - Anarra

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