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authenticity discussion

Poster: Rutlands@aol.com

I've been reading some of the comments on this subject, and always welcome the
discussion.  I just want to add that the question, "yes, it's lovely, but can
you document it?" is not necessarily snotty, but can mean, wow, if you can
document it, you might be opening up a whole new area of perception (of what
was done in period) or new area of endeavor to me!.  Please don't always look
on it as demeaning or arrogant.  

Also, as much as Laurels and everyone else should always be tactful, sometimes
it doesn't flow naturally from us.  We don't all have the greatest people
skills, even if we have some skill in our arts.  Please take tactless period
questions with a huge grain of salt.

Daniel of Rutland
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