The Merry Rose Archive (by thread)
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Last update: Sat Sep 19 00:38:06 98
572 messages
Messages listed in order by thread. Listing format is the following:
- Subject,
(Date posted).
Followup messages are indented.
- Re: Heraldry Fibs (was Re: heraldry rules),
Robert J Welenc (08/01/98)
- Re: Principality,
C.J. Schaffer (08/01/98)
- Status of the Shire of Crannog Mor,
DebSiobhan (08/01/98)
- RE: virus allert,
Phillip Jones (08/01/98)
- Re: Visigoths,
rmhowe (08/01/98)
- movie,
sabella (08/02/98)
- Re: Hey, is this thing on?,
S. M. Thorson (08/02/98)
- Web Page Problems,
LadyDaria (08/02/98)
- Re: A Non-P Based Question,
Brett W. McCoy (08/02/98)
- Re: Principality why do you want to leave,
C.J. Schaffer (08/02/98)
- Re: looking for...,
C.J. Schaffer (08/02/98)
- [Fwd: visitor],
sabella (08/02/98)
- BOUNCE Admin request,
owner-atlantia (08/02/98)
- No Subject,
Steve Riley (08/03/98)
- new list problem,
Brenna (08/03/98)
- Back from Land Grab,
Lorenzo (08/03/98)
- armigorous scrolls was (RE: heraldry rules),
Becky McEllistrem (08/03/98)
- Pennsic Pity Party,
Sherry Hintze (08/03/98)
- A Quest and Call for Aid,
Rick & Tania Howard (08/03/98)
- Learning Channel History Programs,
rmhowe (08/03/98)
- Rhetorical questions,
Bruce C. Miller (08/03/98)
- August Historical Programs of Possible Interest.,
rmhowe (08/04/98)
- Squires tourney help,
Logan & Arielle (08/04/98)
- Emergency Phone number for Pennsic,
Sandra Toscano (08/04/98)
- Emergency phone number for Pennsic,
Gina (08/04/98)
- Highlander and Excalibur,
rmhowe (08/04/98)
- Pity Party?,
Louise Sugar (08/04/98)
- Principle Motivations,
Jeffrey C. Sussman (08/04/98)
- wedding revelry,
Brenna (08/04/98)
- Do you need a Ride to Pennsic?,
LadyDaria (08/04/98)
- update on Triton,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (08/05/98)
- Pennsic Babysitting Inquiry,
Greg Glewwe (08/05/98)
- Will I ever get my scroll?,
Becky McEllistrem (08/06/98)
- Fwd: Re: principality social evening at Pennsic, addendum,
Julien de Montfort (08/06/98)
- Volunteers,
Burt Cook and Jennifer Campbell (08/06/98)
- ISO Lady Julitta,
Hannah, Catherine (08/07/98)
- Test,
Krogern (08/09/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Test,
David W. James (08/10/98)
- Re: Test,
Orendil (08/16/98)
- Test,
Warren Ryan Jr. (08/22/98)
- Test,
CathieKay (08/29/98)
- HW Practice in DC?,
BlakHat1 (08/09/98)
- Tally Who?,
Peter H. Clarke (08/10/98)
- camping overkill ;->,
einar (08/10/98)
Re: Tally Who?,
S. M. Thorson (08/10/98)
Re: Tally Who?,
Joyce A. Baldwin (08/10/98)
Re: Tally Who?,
Franca Gorraz (08/10/98)
Re: Tally Who?,
vtaltos (08/10/98)
Re: Tally Who?,
Jeanette Gugler (08/10/98)
Re: Tally Who?,
Dave Montuori (08/11/98)
Re: Tally Who?,
Evan Page (08/11/98)
Re: Tally Who?,
David K. Bodman (08/11/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Tally Who?,
Grey Randall (08/10/98)
- Re: Tally Who?,
Terri Morris (08/10/98)
- Re: Tally Who?,
SNSpies (08/10/98)
- Re: Tally Who?,
M STATE (08/10/98)
- Re: Tally Who?,
Tim and Carole (08/10/98)
- Re: Tally Who?,
Cyndi Hrinko (08/10/98)
- Re: Tally Who?,
LWright740 (08/10/98)
- re:Tally Who?,
jdhoy (08/10/98)
- Re: Tally Who?,
TAWNYKAT (08/10/98)
- Re: Tally Who?,
Rutlands (08/10/98)
- Tally Who?,
Garrett, William (08/11/98)
- Re: Tally Who?,
Tim and Carole (08/11/98)
- Re: re:Tally Who?,
Tristan Roquelaure Luanaigh (08/12/98)
Stephen Nathanel Mosse (08/10/98)
Janine H Sutter (08/10/98)
Bellatrix2 (08/10/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Tally...,
M. Stewart (08/11/98)
Re: Tally who?,
RE Tally Who?,
Elizabeth Urbanik (08/10/98)
Tristan Roquelaure Looney (08/10/98)
Re: camping overkill ;->,
Jen Kuiper (08/10/98)
talley who,
Steve Riley (08/10/98)
John H Bova (08/10/98)
At home for the war,
Malone, N. (08/10/98)
Maybe next year, etc.,
Evan Page (08/11/98)
Scouting Report (was Re: Tally Who?),
Grey Randall (08/11/98)
Head Count,
prunier sarah z (08/11/98)
Crying in your beer/mead/drink....,
Eldred (08/11/98)
Re: Crying in your beer/mead/drink....,
JBRMM266 (08/19/98)
Re: Crying in your beer/mead/drink....,
Sherry Hintze (08/19/98)
Re: Crying in your beer/mead/drink....,
JBRMM266 (08/20/98)
Re: Crying in your beer/mead/drink....,
John H Bova (08/20/98)
This years Pennsic Medallion,
Grey Randall (08/11/98)
Seeking a ride to Pennsic from Northern VA/DC Area,
Kim Youtzy (08/11/98)
AlysounA (08/11/98)
Re: SCA is different things to different people,
Terry L. Neill (08/11/98)
Its that time of year again.....,
ginevra (08/11/98)
jdhoy (08/11/98)
Keeping up with the Academic Joneses,
S. M. Thorson (08/12/98)
Re: War Archers in Combat,
Terri Morris (08/12/98)
Pushing Dafydd's buttons On a Non-SCA subject,
Grey Randall (08/12/98)
RE: Crying in your beer/mead/drink.... (fwd),
Craig Levin (08/12/98)
Pennsic Pity Party?,
Scott Silvers (08/13/98)
Re: punching hot buttons,
Terry L. Neill (08/13/98)
authenticity discussion,
Rutlands (08/13/98)
Hey Eldred! :o),
Garrett, William (08/13/98)
Re: authenticity discussion (also hot buttons),
RowenRhys (08/13/98)
Reversible Garb and Beak-Doctors,
RowenRhys (08/13/98)
Re: Doc. Q and A,
Terry L. Neill (08/13/98)
Terry L. Neill (08/13/98)
Doc. Q and A,
M. Stewart (08/13/98)
Doc Q & A (try two),
M. Stewart (08/13/98)
Reversible Garb and Beak-Doctors (fwd),
Craig Levin (08/13/98)
New Sport,
Malone, N. (08/14/98)
urgent-need Pennsic ph#,
TAWNYKAT (08/14/98)
Argh! I've been baited!,
Rutlands (08/14/98)
Authenticity & competitions,
Rutlands (08/15/98)
[Fwd: Re: Religion and the SCA survey],
Franca Gorraz (08/15/98)
Lost at Pennsic,
henry (08/16/98)
gambeson/jupon pattern,
Phillip Jones (08/16/98)
And serve him forth...,
Robert J Welenc (08/16/98)
So....what's the skinny?,
Boroghul Khara/Grey Randall (08/17/98)
Too quiet,
Brett W. McCoy (08/17/98)
scroll stuff was (Tally Who?),
Becky McEllistrem (08/17/98)
Women's Fighting Class at Pennsic,
Genie Powell (08/17/98)
Some problems at Pennsic,
Orendil (08/17/98)
Franca Gorraz (08/17/98)
Lost swords,
Greg Prevost (08/17/98)
Stefan's files for September,
Mark.S Harris (08/17/98)
Edmund of the Middle,
rmhowe (08/17/98)
RE: Great thanks!,
Becky McEllistrem (08/18/98)
is the tavern closed?,
Franca Gorraz (08/18/98)
A&S competitions,
jsrechts (08/18/98)
Please good gentles, raise your goblets with me!,
Franca Gorraz (08/18/98)
Event flyer Marinus Baronial Birthday XI,
alesia4 (08/18/98)
Crying in your beer/mead/drink..,
Gina (08/18/98)
Re: SCA is different things to different people (fwd),
Craig Levin (08/18/98)
RE: Too many egos in charge,
Neal Townley (EUS) (08/18/98)
Ok! What am I doing wrong?,
alesia4 (08/18/98)
FWD: HRH Dag's Version (Was Re: Edmund of the Middle),
Jeanette Gugler (08/18/98)
Fwd: Re: Re: SCA is different things to different people,
EoganOg (08/18/98)
Fwd: Re: Kenneth of Starr -Forwarded (fwd),
Brett W. McCoy (08/18/98)
Re: So....what's the skinny? (Part II),
SCOTSWMMN (08/18/98)
By example (was Too many egos in charge),
TAWNYKAT (08/18/98)
[Fwd: OT - I need some info...],
Brenna (08/19/98)
My Pennsic,
Betty & David Eyer (08/19/98)
Re:too many egos in charge,
Betty & David Eyer (08/19/98)
Looking for Graffina Judith (IMPORTANT),
SCOTSWMMN (08/19/98)
Windmasters' Hill Baronial Needlework Guild,
Robert and Tammy Jones (08/19/98)
To all my Foes, and all my Friends,
Rutlands (08/19/98)
Sew and Mend and Turn,
M. Stewart (08/19/98)
reversable garb,
EoganOg (08/19/98)
Reversable clothing (continued),
EoganOg (08/19/98)
Fwd: Re: [IR] no poop and there I was...,
jsrechts (08/19/98)
ginevra (08/19/98)
Life is a challenge...,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (08/19/98)
Rapier Fighters wanted, Marshal needed,
alesia4 (08/19/98)
FW: Authenticity & competitions,
Becky McEllistrem (08/19/98)
Thank yous for Heraldic Service to Atlantia!,
Tom Bilodeau (08/19/98)
IMHO on Events during pennsic,
Josh (08/19/98)
On Pennsic....,
Eldred (08/19/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- RE: On Pennsic....,
Peters, Rise J. (08/19/98)
- Re: On Pennsic....,
PDMcLamb (08/20/98)
- Re: On Pennsic....,
Hilda Jean Smith-Beattie (08/20/98)
- Re: On Pennsic....,
Izofgold (08/20/98)
- RE: On Pennsic....,
Dominica Harlan (08/20/98)
- Re: On Pennsic....,
Izofgold (08/20/98)
- Re: On Pennsic....,
Tristan de Roquelaure (08/22/98)
- Re: On Pennsic....,
Rowanwald Central (08/23/98)
- Re: On Pennsic....,
Tristan de Roquelaure (08/23/98)
Honor vs. Winning,
Betty & David Eyer (08/19/98)
Good news, bad news,
Robyyan Torr d'Elandris (08/19/98)
Re: the orders & authenticity thread,
Rutlands (08/19/98)
Dye Help,
Nicole Honeycutt (08/19/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: Dye Help,
Andrea Gideon (08/20/98)
Event Announcement: Payback is Hell (Oct. 2-4),
Greg Sackett (08/20/98)
Arms and Awards,
Gina (08/20/98)
Metallics in thread,
Josh (08/20/98)
Arms and Awards (fwd),
Craig Levin (08/20/98)
Re: Kids at Pennsic(was Re: On Pennsic....),
Rowanwald Central (08/20/98)
Re: Am I still on line?,
lp12546 (08/20/98)
Re:Arms and Awards Murph's Law Revisited,
Malone, N. (08/20/98)
Re: Movers and shakers,
JBRMM266 (08/20/98)
Can I get some info?,
Robert Snider (08/20/98)
Middle was Intense this year,
Donald Wagner (08/20/98)
My web page,
EoganOg (08/21/98)
Phillip Jones (08/21/98)
Last names for persona,
akratts (08/21/98)
"Real members" was Honor vs. Winning,
Beiskaldi (08/21/98)
Mundane Arms, was Arms and Awards,
Craig Levin (08/21/98)
Re: Arms and Awards Murph's Law Revisited (fwd),
Craig Levin (08/21/98)
Malone, N. (08/21/98)
scribe home page update,
Becky McEllistrem (08/21/98)
Her Majesties Cell phone #,
Diane Stevens (08/21/98)
Re: Pennsic peers?,
Corun MacAnndra (08/21/98)
conflicting arms,
jsrechts (08/21/98)
Event Flyer: Baronial Investiture at Fall Hunt,
duane moore (08/21/98)
Pennsic Comments,
durr al-jabal al-mukhfi (08/21/98)
FW: Honor vs. Winning,
Jeffrey C. Sussman (08/21/98)
Darkwood Armory,
Keith Christensen (08/22/98)
Re: Mundane Arms, was Arms and Awards (fwd),
Craig Levin (08/22/98)
Re-inventing the persona,
Efenwealt Wyslte (08/22/98)
Efenwealt Wyslte (08/22/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: wisecrack,
Tristan de Roquelaure (08/22/98)
what happened at the war?,
ginevra (08/23/98)
RE: SC - semi-OT Virginia,
Louise Sugar (08/23/98)
War Chronicle info . . .,
Rabah (08/23/98)
War Chronicle info Part II,
Rabah (08/23/98)
period fencing jackets,
EoganOg (08/24/98)
Coronation info,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (08/24/98)
Please send replies again,
Aimee Kratts (08/24/98)
Pennsic War Chronicle,
rmhowe (08/24/98)
In Memoriam,
David KUIJT (08/24/98)
War Points,
Lewis, Don (08/24/98)
Caer Mear Fight Practice,
Peter H. Clarke (08/24/98)
Handfasting in Raven's Cove,
MTR/AAHR (08/24/98)
Twelfth Night bid clarification,
Barclay, Peter MAJ (08/25/98)
searching for Giles,
Becky McEllistrem (08/25/98)
War Chronicle part 3,
Rabah (08/25/98)
Fw: Mabinogi Flyer,
Beverly Robinson-Curry (08/25/98)
Glorious day for films.,
Steve Schell (08/25/98)
SCA TEENS sites,
rmhowe (08/25/98)
Atlantia calendar, Sept. 99,
Garrett, William (08/25/98)
Saul Zaentz and The Fellowship of the Ring,
Susannah Ruttle (08/25/98)
RE: Lord of the Rings Casting Call,
Sharon Henderson (08/25/98)
Re: Lord of the Rings Casting Call,
Beth Morris (08/25/98)
RE: Lord of the Rings Casting Call,
Garrett, William (08/25/98)
RE: Lord of the Rings Casting Call,
Garrett, William (08/25/98)
Re: Lord of the Rings Casting Call,
JBRMM266 (08/25/98)
Re: Lord of the Rings Casting Call,
SCOTSWMMN (08/25/98)
Re: Lord of the Rings Casting Call,
AlysounA (08/25/98)
RE: Lord of the Rings Casting Call,
Tristan de Roquelaure (08/26/98)
Re: Lord of the Rings Casting Call,
JBRMM266 (08/27/98)
Re: Lord of the Rings Casting Call,
JBRMM266 (08/27/98)
Re: Lord of the Rings Casting Call,
Lordgaelan (08/27/98)
An announcement from Free Trumpet Press West,
Kevin Conlin (08/25/98)
Re: Gollum,
Sharon Henderson (08/25/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Gollum,
CGScoop (08/25/98)
- Re: Gollum,
CGScoop (08/25/98)
Bored of the Rings [Re: Gollum],
Susannah Ruttle (08/25/98)
Lord of the Rings Casting Call (WAS Re: Glorious...),
Garrett, William (08/25/98)
Re: Lord of the Rings Casting Call (WAS Re: Glorious...),
JBRMM266 (08/25/98)
Re: Lord of the Rings Casting Call (WAS Re: Glorious...),
Jason & Shannon Smith (08/26/98)
Casting for LOR movie,
Steve Schell (08/25/98)
Glorious day for films. (fwd),
Craig Levin (08/25/98)
Tolkien Humour Site (as long as we're on the subject),
TheUrsula (08/25/98)
Efenwealt Wyslte (08/25/98)
<Possible follow-up(s)>
- Re: LotR,
JBRMM266 (08/26/98)
Lord of the Rings,
The Davidsons (08/25/98)
Malone, N. (08/25/98)
LotR casting, Oldman's a no-go.,
Steven Schretzmann (08/26/98)
Patrick Stewart!,
Tristan de Roquelaure (08/26/98)
Movie casting and discussion...,
Steve Schell (08/26/98)
LotR marketing that shouldn't happen..........,
Garrett, William (08/26/98)
A P.S. for Patrick Stewart!,
Tristan de Roquelaure (08/26/98)
SPI's War of the Ring,
Garrett, William (08/26/98)
To Atlantian's facing Bonnie's wrath,
Boroghul Khara/Grey Randall (08/26/98)
LotR List,
Evan Page (08/26/98)
Tristan de Roquelaure (08/26/98)
Current rules for polearm construction,
Garrett, William (08/26/98)
Fwd: LoTr: THE LIST!,
MHWag (08/26/98)
Rubber Axe heads,
jsrechts (08/26/98)
Baldar blunts vs. Coneheads,
Demison1 (08/26/98)
movie casting,
carl christianson (08/27/98)
Re: LotR Cast,
Andrea Gideon (08/27/98)
[Fwd: Taking the LOTR stuff off the List],
Steve Schell (08/27/98)
Fwd: Looking for Contact Info,
jsrechts (08/27/98)
Encyclopedie Medievale by Viollet le Duc,
rmhowe (08/27/98)
Pavilion Pennants,
JBRMM266 (08/27/98)
Our friends vs. Bonnie,
Catherine W Raitt (08/27/98)
Re: Our friends vs. Bonnie,
Nicole Honeycutt (08/27/98)
Garrett, William (08/27/98)
Casting and the SCA,
The Davidsons (08/27/98)
Tristan de Roquelaure (08/27/98)
- Re: ???,
Logan & Arielle (08/27/98)
About the List!,
Tristan de Roquelaure (08/27/98)
On the Relevance of Lord of the Rings to the Society,
E L Wimett (08/27/98)
Book reading,
The Davidsons (08/27/98)
Raven's Cove & Cathanar,
Dennis Fillpot (08/28/98)
[Fwd: Re: leather fencing doublet help?],
rmhowe (08/28/98)
Maryland Renn. Fest anyone?,
Maureen Sampson (08/28/98)
Still here in Cathanar,
Sherry Hintze (08/28/98)
Re: *WH* Coastal News?????,
John H Bova (08/28/98)
Books lying around,
CathieKay (08/28/98)
RE: Reading Habits,
Betty & David Eyer (08/29/98)
Belated Dye Help,
Betty & David Eyer (08/29/98)
Kevin of Thornbury (08/29/98)
Crime Alert: NQG Late August Pirate Update,
Ric & Joanne Loll (08/30/98)
eyewitiness accounts to history,
sabella (08/30/98)
Combat Archery,
Bobbe Herman (08/30/98)
India Ink Spill,
NERFWENNA (08/30/98)
Equestrian event,
jessica mikell (08/30/98)
Costuming Question,
akratts (08/31/98)
A Hmmmmm-ing....,
Tristan de Roquelaure (08/31/98)
Answers for costuming,
akratts (08/31/98)
Lady Roslind,
Nicole Honeycutt (08/31/98)
Meet The Author,
Erick and Sue (08/31/98)
Who's Royal Brewer these days?,
Ric & Joanne Loll (08/31/98)

The Merry Rose Archive