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Re: Crying in your beer/mead/drink....

Poster: Nicole Honeycutt <ladyemma@mindspring.com>

At 02:44 PM 8/18/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Hmmm.  You are talking about a specific region of the Kingdom.  As I
>stated in my original posting, 10% or less of the active local population 
>from my area went to Pennsic.  The question is still valid.   Why does
>*everything* come to a crashing halt because of Pennsic?
>In service,

If you want a "spiff" event next year take the bull by the horns and plan it. 
Maybe it will work... maybe it won't, but until you hold one you won't know.

emma of elandonan

Nonne scis sibilare! Labris compositis, perfla.

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