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Re: Principality why do you want to leave

Poster: Heather Swann <heather@pop.net>

> I personally get the feeling that there's a strong strain of 'let's go
> kingdom' in the 'P' movement because I hear several people in the
> movement say things like 'and someday we may go kingdom' with a gleam in
> their eye like it's a good thing they want to do.  That gives me the
> feeling it's on the agenda of at least a few people....


> Greetings Rosies,
> Well I want to thank all of those who answered me so thoughtfully.
> I'd like to answer the Julien's request for the "proof" as it were, of
> how I and others got the impression that the TNNP is really a secret
> agenda to form the TNNK, but I can't.  Well I could but it would mean
> writing stuff to the list that would end in a flame war and Lord knows
> that I take enough heat about what I say on these various lists.  Please
> trust me to say that my suppostion is not without reason.
> Well now.  Let's stipulate that what Julien and others say is true.
> After all I know some of you and I have to assume the rest of you are
> honest, honorable people.  So how do we convice the those of us outside
> the North to take you at your word that the TNNP movement is just to
> form a Principality and to go no further or go no further for now.  I
> don't know.  I mean nothing personal, truely.
> Various peers and others in a position to know are starting to prepare
> the southern baronies for the probable contingency of the TNNKingdom.  I
> am truely torn, who am I to believe.
> Well this is not something that we are going to decide today.  I just
> wanted you to be mindful of the fact that many people outside of the
> TNNP feel there is an agenda, however, untrue that might be.
> BTW, Julien I like the cross botony one best, also.
> Oh one more thing, when I end my letter with "go in peace" I don't mean
> "go away" as one person suggested, but as you go through life, go in
> peace.
> Eogan the some-what-less curmudgeon
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Heather Swann
aka Miriam Rachel bat Mordecai

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            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org