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Re: Principality why do you want to leave

Poster: Eldred@concentric.net

Greetings from Eldred!

Lord Eogan wrote:
> Various peers and others in a position to know are starting to prepare
> the southern baronies for the probable contingency of the TNNKingdom.  I
> am truely torn, who am I to believe.

'Though not a Peer, I am an honest-to-gosh officer of one of those
'southern Baronies'.  As one of Triton's staff, I am also in a position to
know.  With respect to things heraldic, there has been a need for
knowledgable and active heralds at this end of the Kingdom for a long
time.  The work Triton started to build up heraldic activity was started
*before* there was a TNNP movement.

What *ARE* you talking about, Eogan????  I have yet to hear of *any* Peer
in this Barony make any sort of 'preparation' for the eventuality of a new
Kingdom (much less a Principality).  Nottinghill Coill just had its
baronial meeting a couple of weeks ago, and nothing of the sort was on the
agenda, nor was it brought up independently.  Of the two (or were
there three?) Peers in the room during the meeting, none had a thing to
say about 'preparations'.  So, of the options, which do you think is

1) You are hearing rumors;
2) It's a localized phenomenon; or,
3) Our Peers are doing all sorts of stuff behind our backs and assuming
we'll rubber stamp whatever decisions they make.

The Peers I know personally aren't very secretive, so I don't think they
would be keeping us out of the loop.  I think the answer is 1) or 2).
Basically, it would be *REALLY STUPID* not to involve the current slate of
baronial officers in these 'preparations'.  Who do you think is going to
help organize and promote the work involved for these 'preparations'?
Yes, the Peers _could_ do it, but it doesn't seem like a good move to
alienate the people who are currently doing the work, thus undermining the
very thing these unknown Peers are attempting to prevent--the *perceived*
potential disintegration of life in Atlantia as we know it....

What are these 'preparations' you are talking about, anyway?

In service,
THL Eldred AElfwald
Gordian Knot Herald
Barony of Nottinghill Coill

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