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Re: armigorous scrolls was (RE: heraldry rules)

Poster: JBRMM266@aol.com

In a message dated 98-08-03 09:18:02 EDT, gormofberra@mindspring.com writes:

<< Well, it would be, but it would have to be drawn on the submission's form
as a banana peeled in 4, resting on one peel, with the other three in the air
menacingly, with the beard of a goat and the tail of a lion.
 See the O&A under "Robbins, Master Baskins of:  <fieldless> A Banana Rampant
between three orles argent, drizzled overall with hot fudge"  >>

"I wnat a dove displayed upon a billet chequy or and gules ...."
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