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[Fwd: Taking the LOTR stuff off the List]

Poster: "Steve Schell" <sschell@hepc.com>

> Andrea Gideon wrote:
> > Poster: "Andrea Gideon" <andrea.gideon@erols.com>
> >
> > Can y'all take this off the Merry Rose?  This does not pertain to the Middle
> > Ages or the SCA.
> > Andrea
> Begging your pardon Andrea.  I don't think I intended to start something
> offensive or annoying.  Admittedly it does not pertain to the Middle Ages or
> SCA, but the same people are often interested in both.  I'm posting this to the
> list so that hopefully everyone will start to send messages only privately.
> With sincere apologies,
> Stephan the Neverking

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