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Glorious day for films.

Poster: "Steve Schell" <sschell@hepc.com>

Not that everyone is a fantasy buff... but since no one has posted on it

New Line Cinemas has put forth 130 million for the filming of J.R.R.
Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" Trilogy.

estimated release is "Fellowship of the Ring" in Christmas 2000, and
"Two Towers" and "Return of the King" in 2001.

Visit www.newlinecinema.com and e-mail them if you wish.  I'm sure that
all the Tolkien fans will want to heap thanks, praise, and a little
armchair directoring (Sean Connery for Gandalf anyone?) on the

Thanks for indulging me, and now back to your regularly scheduled SCA


Steven Schell
Stephan the Neverking

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