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Re: Tally Who?

Poster: Jeanette Gugler <jgugler@mindspring.com>

At 13:10 08/10/98 EDT, you wrote:
>Poster: stephancm@juno.com (Peter H. Clarke)
>A quiet figure dressed in black rises from the corner of the Merry Rose
>Tavern, which is nearly deserted.  He has sit there for many moons and
>listened to the chatter, only occassionally breaking his silence with at
>ill thought out statement blearted at those present.  Causing no end of
>trouble for himself.  Gathering his nerve he proceeds .
>He clears his throught and states boldly " Would everyone present make
>Thy self  known over the next several day, please.  If you would, could
>you also say whether you generally go to Pennsic?  Just trying to get an
>idea of who and how many of us there are here at home.  
The lady in green flitters forward and raises her glass to all.  "Not
nearly deserted, just quiet.  We're more than one would think, remaining
behind, guarding the home fires!"

It has been too, too many years since I was last at Pennsic (XIII and XIV
or was that XIV and XV??)  In any case, lack of vacation time and funds
kept me from going back.

This year it's more lack of money and energy -- and I need to think through
(and acquire) what all I need for full camping.  Or maybe decide whether I
am still interested in a week or more of camping.  The joints creak and I
seem to suffer now more from the heat (air conditioning IS my friend!).  

Oh, but the magic of summer nights, tents on the horizon and a sky lit by
falling stars!  Oh war, and rumors of war!

Theodora von Schmetterlingswald		jgugler@mindspring.com
	Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill
Argent, a fess azure, ermined argent, 
between three pine trees couped sable and a butterfly azure.

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