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"Real members" was Honor vs. Winning
Poster: Beiskaldi@aol.com
In a message dated 98-08-20 23:01:10 EDT, dragonfyr@tycho.com writes:
>Poster: "Louise Sugar" <dragonfyr@tycho.com>
>OK folks....I wanted to voice this opinion before Pennsic when everyone was
>talking about East and their allies vs Middle and their allies and honoring
>the memory of Jafar and could the East in good conscience not allow the
>Middle to 'win' to honor Jafar. I was told to keep it to myself that as a
>non-dues paying (ie not 'real'}member of the SCA I should say nothing.
>Well now that it is all over and is being dissected and talked over I am
>going to say what I wanted to say in the first place. :donning flameproof
Ok, folkses, this may be beside the point, but this really pushed my buttons
in just the right way.
1) Would someone please enlighten me as to how an active Scadian is
considered to not be a "real member" simply because they have not paid a
membership? I understand and realize the various regs thru corpora, such as
combat & local group offices an pollings and so on. However, I have known a
number of non-members who worked their respective butts off for their local
groups, while I have seen "real" members sit there & do nothing, assuming they
even bother to show up for their own local group's event. Case in point, a
couple of close friends' first event was spent working in the kitchen (which
was outside btw, in about 40 degree windy weather) and serving. If this is
not the action of a "real" member then I am afraid I have not found the
meaning of what it is to be Scadian.
I am not pointing fingers at anyone, either in my shire or anywhere else,
merely pointing out what I have observed in my comparatively limited time in
the SCA.
2) Why should anyone not be allowed to speak what is on their mind? Perhaps
the individuals who suggested it were afraid that a diverse opinion might make
others think about whether those individuals' opinions were completely fair.
Kind of hard to get everyone to agree with oneself when they have more
knowledge and other points of view to look at.
I am a believer in freedom of speech, even tho we do recreate a feudal
society in what we do, and will happily take on anyone who tells me I cannot
say what is on my mind simply because they don't like it.
Now, Sven, pass me that bottle of sweet mead next to you, please....My throat
has become dry from so much talking...
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