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Re:too many egos in charge

Poster: Betty & David Eyer <Betty_and_David@compuserve.com>

I think that the best war cry/chant is the one that fits the moment and
raises people's spirits.  "Nobody leaves, everybody fights!" did both.  I
really dont think I would react emotionally from a war cry from song of
roland, since I've never met Charlemagne.  

I, too, was disappointed by not fighting the second field battle.  But
since I did not personally see or hear the interchange that caused Timothy
to walk and Michael, etc. to back him up, I can't speak to whether or not
they made a good decision.  I am not the kind of person who obeys blindly,
but I am the sort to give the benefit of the doubt.  Don't go attributing
emotional causes to people's actions - there be dragons there.  

You know, sometimes you should hit "Save" on your emails, rather than

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