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Re-inventing the persona

Poster: Efenwealt Wyslte <wystle@ipass.net>

Hello, My name is Efenwealt Wystle, an english gleeman posing as a jongleur in
the Court of Elenor of Aquitaine. For many years, I have gone by the nickname
"Efen" (often spelt Effan, Effin, FN, or Bob). After some soul searching I have
decided I really don't like that nickname anymore. Its not really a proper
diminutive, and I'm rather tired of the obscene connotations associated with it.
(Goodness, am I getting old and stodgy?) I would really appreciate it if people
started using my full name "Efenwealt" (pronounced "Evan-walt" or "Effen-walt"). 

I have also taken a fancy to being called by my surname, "Wystle" (like
"whistle" - its english not welsh). Its like calling a minstrel you don't know
"Jongleur" or "Gleeman" or "Hey Bard!". 

Please don't bother sending me any flack about this, or posting witty commentary
to the list.  People in my home barony have already made every joke. I am NOT
changing my name or hiding from my reputation. Just striving (in my own meager
way) for greater authenticity. (I MUST be getting old and stodgy...)
Thank yew, for yorr support.
+ Lord Efenwealt Wystle (mka Scott Vaughan) wystle@ipass.net          +
+ Merchant, Minstrel, MSoB, Sacred Brotherhood of the Flaming Jackass +
+ for a good time - http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/2032      +
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