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RE: Mundane Arms, was Arms and Awards (fwd)

Poster: Dave Montuori <damont@wolfstar.com>

>>> Okay, how do I get a Herald's Handbook?  I want one, because the books
>>> I have leave alot of rules out and don't give alot of pertinent
>>> information.

>> The specifically Atlantian Herald's Handbook is in revision, and,
>> as far as I know, not available.

> Actually, I have been selling the Atlantian Handbooks in the South end
> of the kingdom since Jae's tenure as Triton and have a few copies left.
> (Cost $10 plus $3.00 postage if I do not hand deliver.  The $10 goes
> directly to the Atlantian College of Heralds.)

Clarification: They may still be *available,* from Alisoun and perhaps
others who have copies, but the handbook is *out of print* pending release
of the 2nd edition.


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