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Re: Mundane Arms, was Arms and Awards

Poster: Jim Trigg <jtrigg@hoflink.com>

Brenna said in Re: Mundane Arms, was Arms and Awards at 22/Aug/1998, Sat 

> Poster: Brenna <sunnie@exis.net>
> Okay, how do I get a Herald's Handbook?  I want one, because the books I 
> have
> leave alot of rules out and don't give alot of pertinent information.
> Brenna

The Administrative Handbook of the SCA College of Arms is available from 
Laurel Sovereign-of-Arms' web page at http://www.sca.org/heraldry/laurel 
(as are the Rules for Submissions).

Blaise de Cormeilles
Golden Dolphin staff

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