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Re: War Archers in Combat

Poster: boroghul@bellatlantic.net (Grey Randall)

Marshals still at home, correct me if I'm wrong on this one..but I thought
Atlantia's combat archers are strictly "light" archers. I was under the
impression that while they are armored, they can't swing a sword at regular
fighters, and regular fighters can't swing back.  I was off of the
Marshal's list for a while after the discussion started, so I may be wrong.

To the best of my knowledge, that's the way it's going to be....pity,
because I would love to be able to serve crown and kingdom with my sword
once I've run out of arrows....I'll check my Marshal's list archives when I
get home tonight.


Lord Boroghul Khara/m.k.a Grey Randall
"Milla nummi pro capite hominis nothum inconsiderati qui ultimam poculum
potus capit neque novam ollam fabricatur!"

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