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Re: War Archers in Combat
Poster: "Terri Morris" <TerriMorris@kemet.com>
Pennsic does not sound like it would be much fun for a light combat archer
(except for the shopping, socializing, partying, etc. which in itself
sounds like a good reason to go!) I authorized in combat archery at this
past Gulf Wars and I can tell you that it was a blast!!! They split the
battles up so that one day they will have the field battles without archers
and another day they will have field battles with archers. The did they
same thing with the fort battles... one day without archers and siege
weapons, one day with. That way the fighters who don't like battles with
archers have some without.
Last year there were only 5 Altantian archers at Gulf Wars, but there were
plenty from our Ansteorian allies. In fact, they had a huge arrow factory
set up where they made and repaired massive amounts of arrows for the war.
At Gulf Wars they did allow gleaning of arrows between battles. Light
Archers need to beware... some of the kingdoms participating at Gulf Wars
have only Heavy Archers, so may treat you as one... Make sure to have
large white diamonds on your helm so they recognize you as a LCA. Other
than that, there is an SCA Combat Archery List... to subscribe send a
message to listserver@wyvernhall.com with the message 'subscribe
sca-missilecombat your name'.
vtaltos@earthlink.net on 08/11/98 09:02:08 PM
Please respond to vtaltos@earthlink.net
To: "atlantia@atlantia.sca.org" <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>,
cc: (bcc: Terri Morris/MIS/HQ/KEMET/US)
Subject: War Archers in Combat
Poster: vtaltos@earthlink.net
This year at the war: as taken from the Pennsic handbook which I happen to
sitting before me....
"Combat archery will be allowed following East or Middle Kingdom
with no gleaning of arrows allowed"... and this, only for the Saturday
No other War Point combat archery will be permitted. As I understand,
East/Middle Rules involve Heavy Archers, meaning you wear heavy weapons and
will get hit. Unfortunately, the Rule here in Aethelmearc also required
Archers to be heavy armored. And, it appears that until the ranks of
swell with those desiring strongly for the Light Archer type rules, and
swelled ranks can convince the Marshallate that such will be in the best
interest of "Fighting in general".. these will ever be the conventions for
combat in the War...
Ooops.. I shall have get off the soapbox now.. methinks I see a certain
combat Archer (my dear, headstrong Lady-Wife) looking rather possessively
it. Yikes. Anyway, that is the current rule regarding the Archery
in effect "this" year....
Tim and Carole wrote:
> Poster: "Tim and Carole " <jpbrew@pinn.net>
> Only Heavy archers, not light archers at Pennsic.(Many found this out at
> the last minute last year and were very upset about it.) And then only
> one or two battles.
> ----------
> > From: Bobbe Herman <zitad@mindspring.com>
> > To: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> > Subject: Re: Tally Who?
> > Date: Tuesday, August 11, 1998 4:34 PM
> >
> >
> > Poster: Bobbe Herman <zitad@mindspring.com>
> >
> > Well, since you've never been to Pennsic, I guess you can't answer
> this...
> > but I was wondering which is the best to go to, Gulf Wars or Pennsic?
> a
> > combat archer, Gulf wars looked best, but I've heard they are letting
> > Combat archers in the Pennsic battles.
> > Please tell me some of Gulf Wars.
> >
> > Zita
> >
> >
> >
> > At 01:30 PM 8/10/98 -0400, you wrote:
> > >
> > >Poster: "Terri Morris" <TerriMorris@kemet.com>
> > >
> > >Hi Steffan!
> > >
> > >Like you, I sit in the corner and mostly just listen. I have never
> to
> > >Pennsic (but I do normally go to Gulf Wars.)
> > >
> > >-Lady Sorcha the Red.
> > >
> > >
> >
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> > > Submissions: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> > > Admin. requests: majordomo@atlantia.sca.org
> > >
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> > List Archives, FAQ, FTP: http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/
> > Submissions: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> > Admin. requests: majordomo@atlantia.sca.org
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> Submissions: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> Admin. requests: majordomo@atlantia.sca.org
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Admin. requests: majordomo@atlantia.sca.org