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Re: Crying in your beer/mead/drink....

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <longshipco@hotmail.com>

Eldred AElfwald wrote:
>Why is it that the rest of the world must grind to a halt for the >sake 
of Pennsic?  I know about 10 people from my entire Barony (and >this is 
a huge...tract of land) who are going to Pennsic.  Must we >who stay 
behind simply do *nothing* but weep at our 'misfortune' at >being 'left 

You know, I've always wondered this, too.  Over half the kingdom does 
*not* go to Pennsic.  Why not have some events in August while our 
friends are enjoying themselves at Coopers?  Real, regular events 
instead of pity party potlucks.  Maybe a collegium or something.

Interkingdom Anthropologists want to know....

  - Anarra

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