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Fwd: Re: [IR] no poop and there I was...

Poster: jsrechts@imap.unc.edu

This is forwarded from Ironrose, the women's fighter list.  The response
is from Duchess Elina of the West.

<< Everybody quits - nobody fights!  I wonder how these actions will
 future Pennsics?  Quite frankly, I'm sick of all the nationalism
 surrounding the War, it's divisive and pointless..

In part from this disgust, the West went and held the field for the
battle.  It spurred the blossoming possibility of making the next war
ways East, Middle, and West.  Many of the allies are tired of fighting
the nationalistic armies of the East and Mid, and may enjoy a change of
I can't remimber the last war the West was in where anyone kept or cared
the score.  It's just for the fun of the fighting, and friendship.

Might be fun.


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