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BOUNCE atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu: Admin request

>From atlantia-owner  Wed Aug  5 08:09:40 1998
Received: from portcullis.maxson.com. (portcullis.maxson.com [])
	by adm.csc.ncsu.edu (8.8.7/8.8.7) with ESMTP id IAA06008
	for <atlantia@adm.csc.ncsu.edu>; Wed, 5 Aug 1998 08:09:38 -0400
Received: from mercury.janrix.com (mercury.janrix.com []) by portcullis.maxson.com. (8.8.8/8.6.9) with ESMTP id HAA07325 for <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>; Wed, 5 Aug 1998 07:54:46 -0400
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Message-ID: <35C84B1A.7327@janrix.com>
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 1998 08:07:54 -0400
From: "L. Ray Sunderlin" <ray@janrix.com>
Reply-To: ray@janrix.com
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To: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Subject: subscribe
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   "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment 
  that something else is more important than fear." 
                                          -Ambrose Redmoon-

  L. Ray Sunderlin  ray@janrix.com   73 de KD4EVR   ICQ# 3102499
  The Masquerade WILL be upheld in  Fayetteville, North Carolina.